Wednesday 24 February 2010

Our company logo

props and costumes

talcin powder
white theatre masks
police badge
buisness card
mobile phone
hit list
ear pieces

trilby hat
shirt and tie
trench coat
black trousers

risk assessment

our risk assemessment includes looking out for any dangerous that may accure during filming.
make sure i don't hit my head when i trip over.
make sure that the working area is clear so nobody trips over except when it is required.
make sure that we don't go too near the flooded part of the tunnel.
make sure we don't damage the camera if it starts to rain.
make sure that people walking by know what we are doing so that they don't get worried.

Rebecca Forrest

Thursday 11 February 2010

Assessment 7 Animatic

Assessment 8

we have had to change our shooting schedual by 3 days to allow us to sort out props and costume.

Monday 8 February 2010

Assessment 6

Organisation of Actors:
Bad Guys played by:
Jonny Foutain
Kayomi Tweddle
Queens Granddaughter played by:
Rebecca Forrest
Security Guards played by:
Hannah White
Rachel Smith
Hardboiled Detective played by:
Chantelle Strickland

The Gerkin and Londons buisness district where all the tall buildings are.

This will be the perfect location for our Film noir as these types of shots will be perfect for our sequence as it will come across to the audience as the feeling of being enclosed and almost creating the fear of claustiphobia. Also Iconic shots of landmarks in london such as the London Eye this will give the audience the idea where it is set.


Underground tunnel near town centre but this is not easily recognised by many people plus to make it look like London underground station tunnel area, certain posters and signs will be created to set the scene in this particular part giving it continuity throughout the scene.
Another Location in Hartlepool were using is the church square near church street we will be using birds eye view shots from the church roof as you can get up there and see the sights of Hartlepool from above and this will be the perfect shot for our Film noir.

Assessment 5 Pitch

Our sequence was partly influenced by Sin City for the use of colour, Big Combo for the use of shadow work and The Descent gave us the idea of having an all female cast.

Rebecca Forrest